The technical development is allowing scientist to collect data of increasingly unprecedented size and complexity. Many times this data consist in hundred and thousand observations across subjects (or units) generating massive high-dimensional datasets. Examples include epigenomic data, genomic data, proteomic data, high-resolution image data, high frequency financial data, functional and longitudinal data, and network data.This wealth of information has originated new problems (such as collinearity and high-dimensionality analysis) faced by new statistical development to solve problems such as variable selection, parameter estimation, clustering and prediction.
The purpose of this workshop is to foster the interaction of researcher in the area of high-dimensional data analysis and stimulate research. It will provide a venue for participants to meet leading researches of this field in an intimate setting, providing maximal chance for interaction and discussion. The objectives include:
- Highlighting and expanding the breadth of existing methods in high-dimensional data analysis and their potential for the advance of both mathematical and statistical sciences;
- Identifying important directions for future research in the theory of regularization methods, in algorithmic development, and in methodology for different application areas;
- Facilitating collaboration between theoretical and subject-area researchers; and
- Providing opportunities for highly qualified personnel to meet and interact with leading researchers from countries around the world.
This workshop is the 7th in a sequence of workshops on the Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis that took place in:
HDDA-I, Fields Institute, 2011
HDDA-II, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, 2012
HDDA-III, University of British Columbia, 2013
HDDA-IV, Banff International Research Station, 2014
HDDA-V, University of Victoria, 2015
HDDA-VI, Fields Institute, 2016
The HDDA workshops are well established and have involved many of the most eminent researchers working in the area. This 7th installment is for the first time taking place in Mexico and expected to be as successful as it predecessors.
Invitation to organize mini-symposia
We welcome researchers who are interested in organizing mini-symposia on related topics. If you are interested in doing so, please contact the Scientific Committee. Chair, S. Ejaz Ahmed at with the Topic and a mini-symposia abstract (50 words or less). If it is accepted, you will be a Scientific Program Committee Member.
Students Support
Shared accommodation at CIMAT’s hotel (CIMATEL) will be provided for up to 21 participants without travel support.
Students applying for accommodation, please send a recommendation letter from a researcher/professor.
Contributed Sessions and Posters
The workshop will also feature Contributed talks and poster sessions.You can find the online form to submit your talk or poster information at the CALL FOR ABSTRACT section or clicking here.
The conference presenters are invited to submit their articles for consideration of publication in a special issue of the Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (ASMBI)
The submitted papers will go through the same peer review process as regular submissions. If you are willing to submit a paper, send a message to S. Ejaz Ahmed, Guest Editor by June 1, 2017. The submission due date is September 1, 2017.
Plenary Speakers
Nozer Singpurwalla, City University of Hong Kong
Michael Daniels, University of Texas at Austin
Shuangge Ma, Yale University
George Michailidis,University of Florida
Peter Song, University of Michigan
Ejaz Ahmed, Brock University
Luis Javier Alvarez, IMATE, UNAM
Igor Barahona, IMATE, UNAM
Ivor Cribben, University of Alberta
Carolina Euan, KAUST
Shahla Faisal, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
Israel Martínez Hernández, CIMAT
Yuan Huang, Yale University
Jessica Jingyi Li, University of California
Asad Lodhia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Martin Lysy, University of Waterloo
Vyacheslav Lyubchich, UMCES
Faisal Maqbool, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
Idir Ouassou, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
Vahid Partovi Nia, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Fabián Martínez Martínez, CIMAT
Ribana Roscher, University of Bonn
Elizabeth Santiago Del Angel, IMATE, UNAM
Antonio Sarmiento Galán, IMATE, UNAM
Zuofeng Shang, Binghamton University
Alexander Shestopaloff, University of Toronto
Ekaterina Smirnova, University of Montana
Xiaoli Gao, UNC Greensboro
Miguel Villalobos, Universidad Anáhuac
Scientific Committee
Ejaz Ahmed, Brock University
Yang Feng, Columbia University
Yulia Gel, University of Texas at Dallas
Farouk Nathoo, University of Victoria
Local Committee
Leticia Ramírez-Ramírez, CIMAT
Rosy Dávalos, CIMAT